可是買了房子後,才發現家裡需要 [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim
不然沒有[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim實在是有點不方便,在網路上比價找了許久,終於發現便宜的[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim了
附上連結給有需要[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim的人哦XD
20150506mn_Urbanite Denim

Take the club with you - Legendary Sennheiser sound featuring massive bass, smooth midrange and extended treble.
Tough companion - Constructed using premium extra rugged parts like stainless steel hinges and aluminum sliders for reliability and durability.
Stay connected - control your music and calls (includes detachable cable with 3-button remote control and integrated microphone for Apple iOS devices)
Easy to store and bring along - compact foldable design makes them easy to collapse and store in the supplied soft pouch.
Peace of mind - 2-years international warranty when purchased from an Authorized Sennheiser dealer.
Product Description
Color: Blue Denim - iOS version | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging
Step up and step out, it's time to let your ears be loved. Sennheiser URBANITE headphones are the new choice for great sound, deep bass, and urban style on the move. URBANITE On-Ear headphones deliver an intense club sound, serving up massive bass but with Sennheiser' s uncompromising clarity through the entire frequency range. URBANITE headphones are for those that love their tunes, love to look good, and respect great sound. URBANITE is perfect for staying connected on the move, with integrated in-line remote controls and microphones for taking calls and controlling music on smartphones and tablets, with two dedicated versions for either Apple iOS, or for Windows Phone and Android devices such as Samsung Galaxy models. A range of color choices includes black and denim across all models (both for iOS and Android), with the iOS URBANITE also available in sand, plum and nation. Ready for life on the go, URBANITE headphones are built tough to take on anything life can throw at them. Constructed using durable, high quality materials like stainless steel hinges and aluminum ear cup sliders, they're rugged with urban cool style. The fabric-wrapped headband is comfortable and steezy. Urbanite is a Sennheiser, so looking great and performing brilliantly are one and the same. Being tough using a foldable design is a perfect fit for life on the move, and a perfect fit comes naturally to URBANITE. The durable sliders and hinges work with super soft ear pads insulating the listener from external noise while ensuring great comfort during long listening sessions. So make a statement. Urbanite. Because you love your ears.
Product Details
Color: Blue Denim - iOS version | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging
Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 3.2 x 9 inches ; 10.6 ounces


[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
【鉅亨網劉祥航 綜合外電】
美國今年的「黑色星期五」意外成為槍枝購買的大日子。據 FBI 本周公布資料,這天已成為有紀錄以來,購買槍枝背景審查人數最多的一天。
據《USA Today》報導,今年 11 月 27 日,美國犯罪背景速查系統 (The National Instant Criminal Background Check System) 共處理了 18.5 萬筆購槍背景申請,為史上最多的一天。
FBI 多媒體部門主管 Stephen Fischer 表示,今年的購槍申請人數,比去年黑色星期五 17.5 萬人,足足多了近 5%,之前的最高紀錄,是 2012 年 12 月 21 日,共 17.7 萬人申請購槍。
FBI 數據顯示,自 1998 年以來,他們已經審核超過 2.2 億筆槍枝的購買背景審查。而單日購買人數前十的日子,先前就包括 2012、2013 及 2014 年的黑色星期五。此外,當有重大槍擊案件發生,購槍人數也會激增,例如 2012 年 12 月,當時發生了 Sandy Hook 小學的槍擊案。
今年黑色星期五當天,在科羅拉多州也發生槍擊案件,造成 3 死 9 傷慘劇。美國總統歐巴馬在周六公開呼籲,要求加強對「武器戰爭」的嚴格控制。
『新聞來源/最新出版鉅亨網 』
李世光說, 2015年的枯水期,是有紀錄以來的最低點,而去年的12月迄今則是次低點。未來將以豐濟枯,機動採取跨行政區域供水調度。新北板二計畫一階工程去年完成後,可降低石門水庫的供水壓力。
[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 推薦, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 討論, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 部落客, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 比較評比, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 使用評比, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 開箱文, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim?推薦, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 評測文, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim CP值, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 評鑑大隊, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 部落客推薦, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 好用嗎?, [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 去哪買?
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